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Despite a 253% increase in the use of antidepressants in the last ten years, leading mental health experts writing in the British Medical Journal find recent studies show antidepressants to be no more effective than a placebo.
On the other hand, alleviating depression by locating and treating its specific physical cause has been shown to be very effective.
The physical sources found to cause depression include:
• Nutritional deficiencies in certain B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, other minerals, certain amino acids or omega-3 fatty acid
• Glandular imbalances of the thyroid, adrenal or pituitary gland
• Hormonal imbalances
• Food allergies
• Medical conditions including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart problems, lung disease, liver disease, chronic pain, chronic inflammation and infections such as influenza, pneumonia, hepatitis and AIDS
• Physical conditions including hypoglycemia, candida, fibromyalgia, dental problems and TMJ problems
• Life conditions such as lack of exercise, lack of sunshine and sleeping disorders
• Heavy metal toxicity
• An adverse reaction to any of more than 130 drugs including drugs as common as ibuprofen, Xanax, Lipitor, Zyban, cortisone, Valium, Pepcid, Dexatrim and Zantac.
The key of handling depression is to find a physician who can locate and treat the true physical cause of the depression rather than simply prescribe a
drug than has no real benefit and very real harmful side effects. Dr. Shapero has been helping hundreds of people in his wellness practice find the true cause of this debilitating condition. Excellent results occur often with very practical solutions of chiropractic and life style modifications. Perhaps you or someone you know could be the next success story.
Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero
SOURCE: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/printerfriendlynews.php?newsid=27475; http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/331/7509/0-e; http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/articles/depression.htm; http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/articles/drugdepression.htm
Xanax®, Lipitor®, Zyban®, Valium®, Pepcid®, Dexatrim® and Zantac® are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

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