Wellness WordPress.com weblog

Doctors-Making-Housecalls-Featured-ImagePain, particularly back pain can have a devastating effect on your life.  As was the case with J. who was experiencing some pain in the lower back which came and went.  As many of us do who are caught up in the day to day J.s back problem got pushed to the bottom of the “to do” list.  However, after sitting at his desk recently he realized when he attempted to get up that this time the pain was different.  In fact it was so intense he dropped to his knees.  After several hours of attempting to move he called our office.  J. spent the next couple of days on a table in the dining area.  After several visits J. was able to get up and move around.  J. was thankful to be back to the activities of life. Pain is the way the body lets you know something is wrong.  If you ignore the small signals they generally get bigger.  This was a wakeup call for J.  Yes, I do make house calls, however, it is much easier to take care of things early before it’s too late.  Now is the time to get your spine checked.  Before the stress of the holiday season sets in.  If you have a health question or concern you would like to see addressed here let me know.

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero



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