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Posts tagged ‘Pain Relief’

Distribution has been approved for Super Opioid


The Food and Drug Administration gave their approval for a new opioid despite widespread criticism and challenges to their vetting process.  This opioid is ten times more potent than fentanyl and a thousand times stronger than morphine.

The drug is called sufentanyl, brand name Dsuvia. It’s designed to be taken sublingually, dissolved under the tongue as a fast-acting uber-painkiller, in the battlefield or in any case of excruciatingly intense acute pain.

The problem is, it’s a small tablet that would easily slip into a health care worker’s pocket to be sold illicitly, as many opioids already are. But this one would act so swiftly and so powerfully the poor unsuspecting users wouldn’t know what hit them – and then they’d probably be dead.

Hey, a drug so lethal one dose can be fatal, available in an instant-use form, what could go wrong?

Those who read this blog know I am not against all pharmaceuticals all the time, I like to weigh each circumstance on its own merits.

Looking at the track record of keeping drugs like Dsuvia under control is dismal, and this time, there are no second chances – this mega-poison out on the streets is a formula for mass unintentional suicide.

There may well be right applications for such super-drugs – but before we jeopardize the public welfare, we’d need to be a lot more certain about safeguards that prevent unnecessary harm.

The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reported 42,000 deaths from opioids in 2016, pushing fifty thousand in 2017, a hundred and thirty-five people a day. Dying from prescription opioids or heroin has become so common, it lowered life expectancy in the US two years in a row for the first time since 1962-3. It wasn’t from older people dying sooner, it was from younger people overdosing. Synthetic opioids killed 27,000 people in 2017, over five hundred fatalities every week.

The point is, Big Pharma’s history suggests that they will be unable (or unwilling) to contain the flow of sufentanyl into our communities, and that means we need to raise our consciousness and be vigilant to keep our friends, neighbors, patients and children safe. There is no room for error with this drug – let’s hope they change their mind and decide not to release it, or if they do, to somehow dramatically improve security.

This is just more proof that the philosophy of better living through better chemistry falls short in health care – let’s continue to work toward a time where innate reasoning supplants the ego-and-profit driven system we currently endure.

Sadly, it’s a matter of time before doctors start to find reasons to integrate Dsuvia into their toolbox, and there won’t be anyone there to tell them no – there are many alternative ways to give those in severe pain relief.  Those experiencing this level of pain are looking for fast relief from the misery in which they live.  Please know that another option exists that doesn’t have such devastating downside risk.

That’s why we need to spread the word as a community – people are suffering, my goal is to keep them from slipping down the slope of drug dependence.  May we continue to build healthier communities.

#DrShapero #PremierHealthCareWellness  #Opioid #PainKiller  #PainRelief

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero

Opioid Stranglehold on USA

There’s a particularly impactful TV Ad Council campaign running now in New York, and I would think other places as well, to heighten awareness of the horrifying repercussions of opioid addiction and abuse. One spot opens with a young man, looking desperate, while the voice-over tells us that his prescription ran out, and he can’t get any more narcotics, and he doesn’t know what else to do.

He then takes a hammer and smashes his hand – cut to an X-ray of crushed, mangled bones, showing that this really happened, and then the final voice-over, warning us not to get started with opiates, or to seek help before we get to that point. Brutally effective, but gruesome and appalling.

I’ve seen two other versions, one where a guy slams his arm in a door, and a third where a guy jacks up his car, slides underneath and kicks the jack out so the car crushes him – can you imagine?

Yet, however gross the ads, this is indeed the stranglehold opioids have on those who slip down that dangerous slope – all reason disappears in favor of doing absolutely anything to get the reprieve of the next fix.

Recently I came across two articles that illustrate two contrasting perspectives on this societal scourge. The first came from a study done by Ohio Medicaid shows that the incidence of opiate-related diagnosis has increased a shocking 430% between 2010 and 2016. This has resulted in a staggering burden for Medicaid, whose budget for medication-assisted therapies swelled from $13 million to $110 million, more than doubling three times over a six-year span. It’s clear that this dangerous and unfavorable trend is not being addressed, since opioids continue to be prescribed at an alarming rate in Ohio and across the US.

The second story is from the New York Times, written by Firoozeh Dumas, an American author living in Germany who needed surgery and expected to receive heavy meds afterwards.

When she inquired about post-surgical pain management, she was assured that she would be fine, and that she would need only ibuprofen. She was accustomed to taking drugs for the slightest discomfort, and asked every doctor associated with her case for Vicodin but was denied every time.

In fact, the anesthesiologist told her, “Pain is a part of life. We cannot eliminate it, nor do we want to. The pain will guide you. You will know when to rest more; you will know when you are healing. If I give you Vicodin, you will no longer feel the pain, yes, but you will no longer know what your body is telling you. You might overexert yourself because you are no longer feeling the pain signals. All you need is rest. And please be careful with ibuprofen. It’s not good for your kidneys. Only take it if you must. Your body will heal itself with rest.” And that’s how it went – she had an uncomplicated recovery and was fine with only minimal intervention.

Wow! If that’s how some MDs in Germany practice, there is hope that doctors in the US could evolve in that direction. I feel fortunate to be on the forefront of the drug-free healing movement – and when you realize the healing capacity of your body along with care that supports that process you can shift the common view on pain relief, causing health care transformation, so tell people about safe, all-natural chiropractic care and let’s keep them off lethal drugs.

#DrShapero #PremierHealthCareWellness  #Opioid #PainRelief

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero  

Happy Birthday Chiropractic – – 120 Years


Celebrating 120 years of this life changing profession.  I feel blessed to be a part of this fantastic community.

The roots of chiropractic care can be traced all the way back to the beginning of recorded time. Writings from China and Greece written in 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C. mention spinal manipulation and the maneuvering of the lower extremities to ease low back pain. Hippocrates, the Greek physician, who lived from 460 to 357 B.C., also published texts detailing the importance of chiropractic care. In one of his writings he declares, “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases”.

In the United States, the practice of spinal adjustments began gaining momentum in the late nineteenth century. In 1895, Daniel David Palmer founded the Chiropractic profession in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer was well read in medical journals of his time and had great knowledge of the developments that were occurring throughout the world regarding anatomy and physiology. In 1897, Daniel David Palmer went on to begin the Palmer School of Chiropractic.

As a way of celebrating if you are in pain and have not experienced our Rapid Release Technology mention this post over the next week and we will give you a FREE pain relieving treatment.

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero
