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Posts tagged ‘Premier Health Care’

The Curcumin Puzzle – Turmeric Effectiveness and Dosage

Ground and mashed turmeric

There’s a problem with Curcumin as it is known to have a low bioavailability.

What has made this so confusing for many is that there are many misleading articles on this substance.  Just as with many natural products there can be a large discrepancy in the potency and health benefits when commercially processed and mass produced.  Here are some things I thought were interesting regarding Curcumin which has gained much publicity in recent years regarding inflammation and pain reduction.

In volunteers and patients who swallowed curcumin or curcuminoids, only a very small amount, if any, made it into the blood and tissues. The low bioavailability is at least partly due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism and rapid clearance from the body. This means when curcumin is swallowed, either as Turmeric rhizome or isolated curcumin, most of it is not used by the body, so all these amazing benefits cannot be efficiently utilized.

The absorption and bioavailability of the unique curcumin-fenugreek fiber extracted formulation has been compared to unformulated curcumin (in other words, typical brands found on the market) in several studies with healthy volunteers. Fifty healthy volunteers randomly received a single dose of either unformulated curcuminoids or a dose of curcumin-fenugreek fiber extracted formulation. After at least 10 days they received the other treatment. The amount of curcuminoids in their blood plasma was measured over time. At a dose of 1000 mg, the curcumin-fenugreek fiber extracted formulation had 45.6 times the bioavailability of an equivalent amount of unformulated curcuminoids (391 mg). At a dose of 250 mg, the curcumin-fenugreek fiber extracted formulation had 24.8 times the bioavailability of an equivalent amount of unformulated curcuminoids (97.7 mg). The increase in bioavailability was also shown in a study where the curcumin-fenugreek fiber extracted formulation was taken daily for 30 days. This means that by taking curcuminoids in the form where it is combined with the fenugreek fiber, more curcuminoids make it into the blood. Often, this allows for a smaller dose of curcuminoids to be taken. As can be seen, this is far superior to straight Turmeric/Curcumin products available on the market.

This is an example of more not necessarily being better.  Rather than taking large amounts of a substance that is not well absorbed.  It is easier and more economical to take a smaller quantity of a product which is effective.

#DrShapero #PremierHealthCare  #Turmeric  #Inflammation #Curcumin

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero

Happy Birthday Chiropractic – – 120 Years


Celebrating 120 years of this life changing profession.  I feel blessed to be a part of this fantastic community.

The roots of chiropractic care can be traced all the way back to the beginning of recorded time. Writings from China and Greece written in 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C. mention spinal manipulation and the maneuvering of the lower extremities to ease low back pain. Hippocrates, the Greek physician, who lived from 460 to 357 B.C., also published texts detailing the importance of chiropractic care. In one of his writings he declares, “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases”.

In the United States, the practice of spinal adjustments began gaining momentum in the late nineteenth century. In 1895, Daniel David Palmer founded the Chiropractic profession in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer was well read in medical journals of his time and had great knowledge of the developments that were occurring throughout the world regarding anatomy and physiology. In 1897, Daniel David Palmer went on to begin the Palmer School of Chiropractic.

As a way of celebrating if you are in pain and have not experienced our Rapid Release Technology mention this post over the next week and we will give you a FREE pain relieving treatment.

Yours for Better Health, Dr. Shapero
